Okay, I wish
I was inspired to write when I am not fired up.
I am fired up. This may be the
stupidest piece of legislation in the last 40 years. This law opens the door to people to discriminate based on the false premise of religious freedom. If these “people” jonesing for their religious
freedom would actually follow the teachings of the Savior they so adore—they would
NOT CARE about the way others lead their life.
I am not saying we shouldn’t care about others—we should when
referencing the true definition of “care” that includes words like “compassion.”
I hope that does not come off as mocking
our Savior…I too am a believer. However, when I think of WWJD? I think, he
wouldn’t pass this law.
Everyone is
focusing on how this law impacts the LGBT community,
rightfully so—the genesis of this law involves someone who did not want serve a
gay couple. However, this law actually
impacts EVERYONE! I referred to
Christians above, but there are 1,000’s of religions. Heck, I can start one tomorrow. Also, let’s get back to Christians. (Again, not picking on Christians—I am
one.) If I was a single, divorced mom looking
for a home—a realtor could choose not to take me on as a client because their
religion forbids divorce. Also, if I
was part of a young, heterosexual couple living in sin, someone could refuse to
sell us furniture for our house because their religion does not support
intimate relations before marriage. Do you see
where I am going with this? Remember our
friends from the Westoboro Church? Well,
if one of their members owned a local hardware store, they could refuse a U.S.
Marine because they believe our military is the root of all religious evil. Do
you see where I am going with this?
These laws are very ambiguous and open the door for all sorts of
discrimination. No one is safe—even those who want this law. Your local bar owner may deny a Christian service
because he does not believe Jesus is the Savior—he doesn’t believe in God at
all. Do you see where I am going with
I will never
understand why your religious beliefs have anything to do with mine. I recognize they do for some reason—that is
why there will always be conflict in the Middle East and now just about
everywhere. Why can’t we all believe in
our own beliefs and not worry about our neighbor's? As long as my neighbor is not harming, me,
anyone else or even themselves, I am good with whatever they believe. I do not have to be their friend. However, it would be ridiculous if I couldn’t
wave hello based on beliefs.
You know,
back to my religion. I have some beliefs—maybe
I will start a religion. I do not
believe people should wear nylons with open toed shoes. However, if I see someone sporting this look,
I just cringe to myself. The most
IS??? If I owned my dream bakery, I
would still definitely sell this person a cupcake!( I highly recommend my Oreo
Surprise!) Do you see where I am going with this?
Many supporters
of this bill have brought up the Constitution. People like to hide behind the
Constitution just as they like to hide behind religion. The Constitution protects the FREEDOM and
RIGHTs of all U.S. Citizens—so how does this bill do that? Seems like you are protecting one and
discriminating against the other?
Another point shopkeeper who will not serve me, how
do I really know you are religious? Now,
I heard someone say should a Catholic priest be forced to marry a gay
couple? I would say NO. At least we know he has devoted his life to
his beliefs. (For the record, I am 100% for gay marriage). How do I know that Sally
the waitress has done the same? She
could be an atheist who does not like LGBT’s or people who are divorced, or people
with tattoos-she could claim religious beliefs for all of these prejudices.
That is
where these lines get crossed. I also
believe the wedding photographer should not have to sign the gay couple as
clients. Again, tricky. This profession
includes art. I do not why a gay couple
would want an anti-gay photographer—I suspect he will not try his hardest to
capture your special day. However, maybe the photographer could just say they were booked or washing
their hair that day??? I haven’t figured
all of this out yet. I am just a mom
after all.
To quote my
friend Michelle on this topic: If someone is truly religious then it would seem to me
that no one would need to be discriminated against as we would just love all
people and do unto others as we would have done to us.
Amen to that sister!