Wednesday, November 7, 2012

America: Take A Chill!

America, please take a chill!  So your guy lost.  Get over it.  If you have truly followed politics in the last 30 years, you should know that it does not matter who truly steps into the role of President.  Don’t get me wrong, I get it, leader of the free world, blah, blah, blah.  As a President, you have the house and senate to deal with—you are not making all the decisions by yourself.  The items that concern the American public on an everyday basis are not simply decided by the President.  However, on truly big issues, I think it does matter who fills those shoes.  For me, big issues include immediate threats to our country and natural disasters.  If you think the President is solely in control of gas prices, outsourcing jobs overseas, etc. you are delusional. Do they have an influence and impact? Yes.  I  believe 30 years ago they had more of an influence than they have today.  Today, they are dealing with two parties that absolutely refuse to get along and go out of their way to slander and demean each other.  Seriously, I’d rather deal with Regina George and the Plastics than the whining politicians of the Republican and Democratic parties.   I have said it before; I am unaffiliated for a reason.  I want to look at each candidate as an individual and I do not want to fit myself into a box. 

I’ll be honest, I typically vote for the Democratic presidential candidate.  However, there was one time since 1988 that I did vote for a Republican candidate.  (I wonder if you can guess which one. ) In 1988, I wanted Dukakis. I was a huge Dukakis fan!  In 2000, I wanted Gore. (Let us not forget, he won the popular vote!!)   I voted for Clinton too, but I don’t remember being as excited about him. I just wonder if the sting of Dukakis losing caused me to be cautious. 

When Dukakis lost, I did not rip Bush apart, call him names or vow to move to Canada.  I showed him the respect a President deserves.   I truly do not understand the “hate” people feel towards Obama.  I do not feel that type of hate towards anyone I know, let alone, someone I do not know personally.   I think everyone feeling that type of hate toward a man they do not know personally and towards a man who literally has the weight of the world on his shoulders should sit back and reevaluate their life. I am also speaking to those who felt such hatred towards George W. 

The worst part about the Obama haters is the ridiculous stories they cling to, for example:  he wasn’t born in this country and he is a Muslim.  First, my question is so what if he is a Muslim?  I thought I lived in a country where a person of any religion could be elected President. Secondly, if you are going to rip on him, don’t cling to urban legends.  Criticize his policy or practices. 

I am not the biggest Obama fan, but I do believe he has the best interests of our country in mind.  As I believe Romney did.  They just have different paths to achieve those goals.  I believe multiple paths can lead in the right direction.   I actually worry about those I consider “infatuated” with Obama.  Just as I do not understand the bitter hatred, I do not understand the blind love.  However, those that know me, know I do not like to put anyone on a pedestal.  We are all humans with strengths and weaknesses.   I think they are blinded by his charisma.  Look, I voted for him both times.  (Now you can figure out where I did not vote for a Democrat).  However, he has not had an effective or impactful four years.  Yes, I know he inherited a mess, but still, he does not have a lot to show for the last four years.  He brags about passing health care reform. Well, I truly disliked the way that happened.  He bullied his way to pass a plan quickly.  It is convoluted and complicated.  If you want true reform it has to be less than 1600 pages.  I cannot blame him for the 1600 pages; I have EVERY elected official to blame.  They play this game: well, I will vote for that if you include this, etc.  Politicians, chill, focus and think about your constituents, remember us? 

Okay, back to the infatuation factor.  I recognize he is charismatic and one of greatest orators of our time, but I want to see progress and vision.  I do not just want to hear about it.   I am infatuated with Seth Meyers and George Clooney, not the guy who has his hand on the red button.   (Remember the red button? Cold War flashback.)  I think the infatuation factor leads to people liking someone for the wrong reasons or blindly defending anything they do.  Instead of hatred and infatuation, we just need to keep an open mind.  Accept differences of opinion.  Show Tolerance.  Be kind. 

Romney fans, you know what really hurt his campaign? The right wing extremists known as the Tea Party.  I believe the Tea Party is the biggest threat to our country.  They are expanding the wedge between conservatives and liberals to the point we refuse to tolerate other ideas.  We cannot survive as a free country this way.  I truly worry for the future of our country if we cannot pull together.  Greater empires than ours have collapsed throughout history.   (I also think tying his dog to his roof didn’t help either.  I mean really, what was he thinking?) 

If Mitt ran against Barack in 2008, I may have voted for him.  I wanted Barack to run in 2012, I thought 2008 was too soon for him.  I wanted someone with business experience and Mitt does have that.  However, the Republicans gave us McCain/Palin.  Truthfully, I wanted Hillary in 2008, but that didn’t happen either.   I do not care that Mitt is rich.  Guess what?  Obama is pretty wealthy too.  Have you seen pictures of his house in the affluent Chicago suburb?  It is pretty nice.  Who cares how much money they have?  If I did not vote for Mitt because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth it would be the same as not voting for someone based on their skin color or religion.  We need to learn to vote based on character, practice and policy.

Another big difference between the two is their views on gay marriage.  I fully support gay marriage, so you’d think Obama would be a no brainer for me.  Well, call me cynical, but one person has to be for it and one as to be against.  I believe Obama truly does support gay marriage, but I do not think he is going to do anything on a federal level to facilitate equality laws for gay marriage.

So, I have digressed from my original topic.  Romney supporters, get over it.  It is okay to express disappointment, but do not express hatred and resort to calling names like bullies do on the playground.  You have more class than that, don’t you?

(P.S.  Just think, the next presidential election cycle starts in 24 months!)


wayne said...

I'm not sure I'm on board with the "come together, get behind the President" thing.

I voted for Obama both times. Donated to his campaign both times. I agree with his policies more than the GOP agenda. At the same time, now that he has been reelected my job is to question those policies and the way we go about accomplishing them. I think I'm respectful of authority, but always questioning it. Is this the right thing to be doing? I guess I voted for Obama because I believe I will answer that question with a Yes more often than no, but the questions should always be asked. Yes I want to work toward a better America. I just hope we can get to a place where we have real conversations about how to best do that.

SwirlGirl said...

Wayne, you are correct. By "support" I mean be respectful, we should always question and not blindly support.

wayne said...

oh, and posting comments here is a real pain! I failed the robot test 4 times before I got it right. :)

Ellen Griffin said...

Jodi.....I couldn't agree with you is it that we are SO different.....and yet when you write, I feel like you are speaking for me....and I only wish I could put my thoughts "on paper" the way you do.