Thursday, February 24, 2011


How do you measure success?

I think only “YOU” can measure your own success. Success is something that cannot be generalized. What success looks like to me, may look very different to you. So, what does success look like to me? Below are 6 ways I measure success in my life:

1) A life with little or no regrets
2) Contentment
3) Children who treat others with respect and dignity
4) Treasured friends
5) Feeling healthy and fit (regardless of size)
6) A Balanced life (a good mix of family time, friend time and “me” time)
7) The ability to take a family vacation ever year.
8) Children who are comfortable simply being themselves.

I’m sure I could add more to the list, this was just off the top of my head. Now, I’ll explain each of these:

A life with little or no regrets
I really strive to have absolutely no regrets. However, I can think of two actions in my life that I wish I perhaps I would’ve behaved differently. However, I don’t know if I would consider them “regrets.” They are more of a “curiosity”. If I have a life decision to make—I often think of it in terms of future regret. I try to think of all the decision outcomes and which outcome would I regret “if”. Of course, predicting the “if” is always the problem. Another aspect of living life with no regrets is never to be afraid to share your opinion and speak your mind. For those that know me, I do not usually have a problem with sharing my opinion!

Some people think of contentment as a negative. I do not. I believe contentment is when you are at peace with how things are in your life. I do not see contentment as “settling” as many do.

Children who treat others with respect and dignity
I’ve said it before; my goal is to raise good citizens. That is a measure of my success. My children will have to measure their own success their way.

Treasured friends
I know I sound like a broken record, but I have wonderful friends. However, by a treasured friend, I mean a friend who thinks of me, as I think of them. I have many friends I can count on for anything. That is only one part of the success of a treasured friend. The other is whether my friends feel like they can count on me for anything. I hope they know they can.

Feeling healthy and fit
This is one part of my life I struggle with. I go through phases of feeling fit and healthy. I need to be more consistent with this portion of my life. I will never be a size 6—my body truly was not meant to be that small. However, I could lose a few pounds. More importantly, I need to be more consistent about exercise. If I never lost a pound, but consistently worked out 3-6 times per week, I’d be happy.

A Balanced Life
I am a true believer in balance.--all aspects of balance. Here I am referring to balancing family time, friend time and time for me. As important as I believe family unit time is, I believe spending time with your friends is just as important to your well being. I also believe, you need to take time for yourself. How you spend that time is different for everyone. For me, that time is writing this blog, going to a movie and shopping.

The ability to take a family vacation every year
I struggled with adding this to the list. I wasn’t sure if it is a true measure of success for me or simply a goal. However, if you reach your goal—I suppose that is a success, right? I love to vacation. I love to expose my kids to new places and experiences. I treasured family vacations as a child and I believe that is why I still love a family vacation.

Children who are comfortable simply being themselves
I want my children to be happy. I believe truly knowing yourself and having the confidence to be yourself is a key to happiness. I hope I have raised my children to have this confidence.

Okay, those are my measures of success. However, when you think of your measures of success it is hard not to think of your shortcomings. I have two shortcomings that I wondered whether I should I add to my measure of success. I feel like I might be “happier” if I was in better control of my clutter and if I was a better cook. (Or should I say if I enjoyed cooking.) However, I don’t measure my success by the cleanliness of my house or the meals that I prepare. I will commit to making improvements in those areas of my life. My problem is, I prioritize everything over cleaning! Life comes before cleaning. At any rate, that is an entirely different subject.

Again, I digress. I’d be interested in hearing what success means to you. Share your thoughts!