Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Polanski, Part II

If you have yet to read my post from 9/29, please read that first.

Okay, if I hear one more time how Roman Polanski's sexual interaction was "consensual" or not "rape rape" I'm going to lose it. She WAS DRUGGED!!!! Impossible for it to be a consensual situation when you've altered the mind of the other person. Also, I was a 13 year old girl once, I've raised 13 year old girls--they do not want to have sex with 44 year old men! Seriously. Even if it is Brad Pitt--they may think he is cute--but 98% of 13 year old girls would not want THAT to happen. As for the other 2%---a 44 year old should still not take advantage of a situation with a CHILD!

P.S. I'm boycotting movies by anyone who signs the petition in support of Polanski. So far, I can no longer see Scorsese, Demme and Lynch films. (Woody Allen has been on my boycott list for years!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on! You said it, why do Hollywood types think they are entitled? They should have to follow the laws like everyone else and not get rewarded for bad behavior.

Never liked Woody Allen films, nor him, always gave me the creeps, a raincoat creepy old man way...eww