Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dave, Dave, Dave

I know everyone has been waiting for me to comment on Dave Letterman's recent "legal" issues. (Tee Hee, like how I pretend I actually have many followers waiting in anticipation for each and every post?)

Before I begin--these are my true ramblings of random thoughts and disconnected rants! So I apologize now if you find it hard to follow!

Some of you may know that Letterman is one of my favorites. He is one of 3 people I choose when people ask "Which famous person would you invite to dinner?" Before I address his recent headlines....let me explain to you why I like Dave so much (which includes an explanation of why I am NOT a Jay fan)

Okay, I've watched Letterman since he had a morning show back in the early 80's. (Prior to him getting the post Tonight Show gig) He is funny. I think many people do not get his humor. Aside from being funny, he has a talent that many talk show hosts lack (JAY), he is extremely adept at interviewing people. He actually listens to people and reacts to them. Yes, there are times when an interview goes off kilter--but usually because the guest is off-kilter (Crispin Glover, Joaquin Phoenix). Surprisingly, his best interviews are with non-Hollywood celeb types. His interviews with Brokaw, Rumsfeld, Clinton, etc. are not to be missed. He really gets to the heart of important issues. Dave truly changed after his heart surgery, I liked him prior to that but liked him 10x more after that. He is a rich celeb who is still in touch with the real world.

Okay, what is my beef with Jay? We all know that Jay was chosen over Dave for the Tonight's Show spot. Lets be clear, this was not Johnny's choice. (Johnny Carson--one of my all time favorites!) I don't really understand how Johnny didn't have final say--but the network wanted Jay. (Similar to how "supposedly" the network wanted Jay to leave his Tonight Show so Conan could attract younger viewers??? I don't buy that one--why would you want the guy who is #1 to leave--doesn't make any sense) Jay may be a funny stand up--but he is HORRIBLE at interviewing people. All questions always come back Jay. Jay, it is not about you, it is about your guest. He may be the hardest working man in show business but I think that is a major flaw for his profession. Too much work, not enough life. Okay, so I used to watch Jay when he had a good guest on (and a show based in CA typically has more access to bigger names). However, I do not watch Jay anymore. When he pontificated 3 years ago about how he was going to be the bigger person and announce his successor so that there was no mystery and no hard feelings like when he was announced and their were hurt feelings (referring to Dave), I had enough. Does he need to bring that up? First, totally different situation. Jay, you never took a day off or vacation so there were no opportunities for guest hosts, etc. Conan was the obvious choice. He consistently seized opportunities to make himself look like the good guy when he was awarded the job as Tonight Show host. I smell a rat when people feel the need to make themselves look good.

The last straw: Jay doesn't want to leave TV. Big surprise. So, he threatens to leave the network and compete in a time slot against Conan. Network says, lets put Jay in prime time. So, all that pontificating about being the bigger person goes down the drain in my opinion. Although they are on the same network, he is competing against Conan! His show is exactly the same format and it is on earlier--people do not have to stay up late. That is so wrong on so many levels. I can't believe Newsweek (or Time) had him on the cover claiming "Jay is changing network television". He changed his time slot folks, that is it.

I know I've digressed, but let me leave you with this thought on the subject: During Johnny Carson's retirement he would call Dave and provide him with jokes for his monologue--he never did this for Jay.

Now to Dave.....
I'm going to have chunk out my opinions on his latest "legal" situation:

  • Dave, Dave, Dave....does it disappoint? A little. For me it is disappointing b/c it gives all the Dave haters more ammunition. Is it any of my business? No. As far as his indiscretions, that is a moral issue, he did not commit a crime. I try not to judge others based on my values, especially when I do not have any facts. I can choose not to associate with people b/c they may not share my values, etc. but who am I to judge? (If they break a law--that is different, Mr. Polanski)
  • I do applaud Dave for getting ahead of the story. What else could he do right? Well, ask John Edwards, Spitzer, etc. b/c no one advised them to get ahead of the story. That is why they lost so much respect. (Well, Spitzer is in a different category--his hypocrisy lost my respect--he led the charge to stop prostitution--while he was using the services of a prostitute????)
  • Ironically, when Stephanie Burkitt appeared on the show during the earlier part of this decade, I used to think to myself "she and Dave would make a good couple" They had the same dry wit.
  • Facts--we have little facts in this case. I don't think "we" are owed the facts--but since people are making judgements without facts, I'll throw my two cents in. We do not "when" these affairs occurred and Regina and Dave had "breaks" during that 23 year period.
  • National Organization of Women - they stated that Dave has created a "toxic" work environment. They say this based purely on the fact that he dated people that worked for him. I think that his harsh. Sometimes, I think NOW needs to settle. Yes, thank goodness they exist, but like any organized group, originally created with a great purpose, they get lost a bit. So many of Dave's staffers have been with him for 10, 20, almost 30 years. Most people do not stay that long in a toxic environment. Where was NOW when he was dating his current wife Regina (a former staffer) or his previous long time girlfriend (also a former staffer)? Is it okay to date a staffer if you eventually marry them? I think the entertainment industry is different than most--the culture is much different than Corporate America. Personally, I don't think you should date employees, but sometimes it happens. It can happen in a way that is not toxic.
  • I think it is ironic that Dave is on CBS, whose CEO is married to an employee. (Les Moonves and Julie Chen). I'm sure when they first starting dating--there was not full disclosure to everyone. Lets face it, when people first start to date, they do not want the world to know--especially when you are in the public eye.
  • The lawyer for the alleged blackmailer keeps saying that when we go to trial we will prove Dave sexually harassed employees. Dude, I'm no lawyer--but that is totally irrelevant to your case. Whether Dave did or did not sexually harass employees has nothing to do with your guy blackmailing him. Usually, the blackmailer is right about their accusations, doesn't change the fact that THEY BROKE THE LAW!
  • Again, not my business, but I am hoping Dave's indiscretions occurred prior to Harry's birth. Otherwise, my opinion of his character might go down a little.


Unknown said...

(claps hands) I have loved dave sense a very young age..I use to watch it with dad every night.....

Lisa said...

Jodi -- I love your blog. I have so missed hearing your passionate thoughts over the years. I feel like we are back in college! Keep writing -- your blog is great!

ndjmom said...

Jodi, I so HAVE to agree on Jay, I know he's not the main subject her, but thou tangent and so do I! I never liked Jay's style or his ego driven drivel. But to retire to pursue other interests, then compete right against his successor?? Please, any respect for him (and Brett Favre BTW) has flown out the window!